19 August 2008 |
Tuesday 19 August 2008 08:00pm - 10:00pm
Club Annual General Meeting
The club Annual General Meeting, held at the Vintage and Veteran Hall after the regular General Meeting. Elections will be held for all positions within the club so come along.
Time: 08:00pm
Location: 134 Queens Road, Five Dock NSW
24 August 2008 |
13 September 2008 |
Saturday 13 September 2008
Viewing Day
"Allambie Gardens", 64 Devonshire Road
Location: 64 Devonshire Road, Rossmore NSW Australia
21 September 2008 |
26 October 2008 |
Sunday 26 October 2008
Run to Southern Highlands
Highlands Motor Fest Chevalier College Moss Vale. Meet at Twin Service stations at Pheasents Nest at 8:30am for 9:00am departure to arive at Colledge at around 9:30am for display Entry forms available from Bruce Jones or Brian Kelleher. There will be plenty of stalls to look at and trophies to be won.
Location: Hume Hwy, Pheasants Nest
02 November 2008 |
04 November 2008 |
Tuesday 04 November 2008
Melbourne Cup Mid Week Run
Meet at McIlwaine Park, Rhodes (entry from Mary Street) at 11am. for morning tea. Destination today is will be at Willoughby. A colour TV has been arranged so besides your sandwiches bring money for entry into the Melbourne Cup sweep(s). Paul Lenehan, Phone 9427 3781, is coordinating.
Location: McIlwaine Park, Rhodes
08 November 2008 |
Saturday 08 November 2008
Presentation Evening & Annual Display Day
Bring your old car and put it on display. Catering will be provided at this years event. With a spit roast the main attraction. Start at 4pm. Fun and games will follow with Bingo and Trivia and then the trophy presentation. Dinner will be served at approx 6pm.
Notes: Please note the date on several pages of the magazine were incorrect (that damn Editor!) so the correct date is Saturday the 8th November. Please spread the word to members that do not have email.
Location: 64 Devonshire Road, Rossmore NSW Australia
23 November 2008 |
Sunday 23 November 2008
Run to Katoomba
Meet at Glenbrook Imformation centre 9 am for morning tea. We will depart 10am for run to Katoomba Scenic World
This is where the Scenic Railway & Skyway is. The Bathurst Club will be joining on this run.
Location: Katoomba, NSW Australia
02 December 2008 |
Tuesday 02 December 2008
Christmas Mid Week Run
Meet at Curry Reserve, Camden at 10am. for morning tea. Tom and Di have something very special planned around part of the lower Highlands.Tom and Di Rolfe are coordinating phone 4683 1515.
Location: Curry Reserve, Camden