25 October 2009 |
Sunday 25 October 2009
Run to Central Coast. Forest of Tranquility Ourimbah
Meet at car park on north side of Hawkesbury River at 9.30 for 10.00 departure.
Proceed to Peats Ridge for morning tea supplied by the Club.
Then drive to Forest of Tranquility. Rain forest, bush walks.
Bring a packed lunch, plenty of covered seating.
Admission charge applies.
Distance from start to destination 53 klms.
01 November 2009 |
03 November 2009 |
Tuesday 03 November 2009
Mid Week Run - Melbourne Cup Day
Meet at McIlwaine Park, Rhodes (entry from Mary Street) at 10.30am. for morning tea. After that will have a leisurely drive around Woolwich and Hunters Hill to see the Jacarandas and Bougainvilleas at this time of the year they should be at their best.
To add to the special feel of the day, please try to make your own original hat - both Ladies and Gentlemen. You can use cardboard, flowers, feathers, ribbons, trimmings etc. in any combination.
Prizes will be awarded (by an unbiased judge) for best original creation - and you're still welcome even if you can't make a hat!.
Besides your sandwiches, bring money if you'd like to enter in the Melbourne Cup sweep(s).
Paul & Pam Lenehan, Phone 9427 3781, are coordinating.
Location: McIlwaine Park, Rhodes
12 November 2009 |
21 November 2009 |
Saturday 21 November 2009
Car Club Display and Presentation Night
At Allambie Gardens, 64 Devonshire Rd, West Hoxton (Rossmore)
Car display from 3.30 pm
Trophies will be awarded
Fully catered roast dinner served from 6.00 pm.
Special entertainer from 7.30.
Club point score trophies will be presented
And more...........
Come along and be part of the fun.
Location: 64 Devonshire Road, Rossmore
01 December 2009 |
Tuesday 01 December 2009
Christmas Mid Week Run
Meet at Curry Reserve, Camden at 10am. for morning tea. As usual at this time of the year,Tom & Di have something very special planned around part of the lower Highlands.
Tom & Di Rolfe are coordinating, 'phone 4683 1515.
Location: Curry Reserve, Camden
06 December 2009 |
Sunday 06 December 2009
Christmas Run
Campbell Hill Pioneer Reserve, Chester Hill
Location: Campbell Hill Pioneer Reserve, Chester Hill
05 January 2010 |
Tuesday 05 January 2010
Mid Week Run
Meet at Western Sydney Regional Park, Abbotsbury, off Elizabeth Drive at 10am for morning tea. Many may know this Park as the old Plough & Harrow site. Entry is via traffic lights at Windsor Road (Cecil Hills), just down the hill towards Kemps Creek from Cowpasture Road. From here it’s an easy trip along Elizabeth Drive to Waragamba Dam. There we can now enjoy newly opened picnic shelters and tables and three viewing platforms overlooking the dam and lake. Don’t forget your sandwiches, hats & sunscreen.
Map UBD 247 G1 refers for the starting point.
Jean & Alec Dick, Phone 9600 7716, are coordinating. Mobile on the day: 0428 86 4893.
Location: Western Sydney Regional Park, Cecil Hills
26 January 2010 |
Tuesday 26 January 2010
Australia Day Display
Meet at 9 - 9:30am at Gough Whitlam Park, Bayview Ave, Earlwood.
Location: Gough Whitlam Park
02 February 2010 |
Tuesday 02 February 2010
Mid Week Run
Meet at Castle Hill Heritage Park at 10am for morning tea. Entry is from Heritage Park Drive. (From Northern Road turn into Old Castle Hill Road then Heritage Park Drive). UBD map 151 F9 refers.
Depending on the weather, Dave will take us for a look at some of the many facets of the Hills area. As always it will be an interesting and enjoyable tour. Don’t forget your sandwiches.
Dave & Margaret Thrush are coordinating, Phone: 8850 3729 Mobile on the day: 0427 20 3031.